Greetings Brothers,
We had another excellent turnout for our October Stated Meeting and were treated to another fine meal. Again thanks to Bro. Tom Reed and the kitchen crew. We had some Brothers come to the meeting who haven’t been there for a while, and we’re glad they came.
The meeting started in the usual manner with the reading of the minutes. Bro. Secretary then read (2) new Petitions for Membership and committees were assigned to investigate them. We also balloted on (3) for Fellow Craft and (2) for Master Mason Degree, and all were elected.
We also had the pleasure of witnessing (8) Brothers doing their proficiency of the Master Mason Degree and all did an excellent job. For completing their proficiency, these brothers received a Certificate of Proficiency and a copy of the Ahiman Rezon.
Old Business
Now to the report on the BBQ. JW Cole Smith reported that the BBQ was a big success and thanked all who participated. He also acknowledged Bro. Tom Reed for the hard work he did preparing and working the BBQ. SW Caleb Poszik presented the Lodge with a check for $6500.00 proceeds from the BBQ. Great job everybody.
New Business
RW Bill Bouknight made a motion that we send a check for $150.00 to the SC Grand Lodge which will be forwarded to the Louisiana MSA for hurricane disaster relief. The motion was seconded and approved.
RW Ron Lockaby called up WB Ken Peterson and presented him with his Past Master’s apron.
Boyleston Lodge has been notified by the Decided Church, who is purchasing the past Richland 39 building, that they are going to pay off the building at the end of December 2021.
During this last month our Lodge has suffered the loss of (2) Past Masters. The first being WB Casey Desso and next WB Frank Powers. Both Brothers passed way too young and will be sadly missed.
I’d like to take this time to tell the Brothers of the Lodge how proud I am of them and you should be proud of yourselves. All phases of the bbq were well attended and all worked together to make it the big success that it was. Thank you so much for all your help. I’m also proud of the Brothers who participated and attended the funerals of our deceased Brothers. And finally this meeting was attended by 43 Brothers with only (1) visitor. There were some Brothers there that we haven’t seen in a while, and we’re very happy you joined us. Hopefully this is a trend, so let’s keep it going.
Thursday Oct. 14th - Entered Apprentice Degree - Dine at 6:30pm, Meeting at 7:30pm
Saturday Oct. 23rd - Fellow Craft Degree - Breakfast at 8:00am, Meeting to follow
*Thursday Oct. 28th - Master Mason Degree - Dine at 6:30pm, Meeting at 7:30pm
Wednesday Oct. 27th - MM Practice at the Lodge - 7:00pm
* Brothers, this will be Past Master’s night. A chance for us to see our Past Masters do the
Thursday Nov. 4th - Stated Meeting and election of officers - Dine at 6:30pm, Meeting 7:30pm
We’re a busy Lodge doing a lot of work. Come support us. Thanks!
Jud Close
Worshipful Master, 2020 & 2021
2020 & 2021 Boyleston Lodge Officers
Worshipful Master
Jud B. Close
Senior Warden
Caleb Pozsik
Junior Warden
Cole Smith
RW Ron Lockaby
RW Bill Bouknight
Senior Deacon
Richard "Rick" Dillard
Junior Deacon
Danny Hughes
Christopher Johnson
Senior Steward
Chris Faircloth
Junior Steward
Michael Roberts
Frank Eargle