Greetings Brothers,
I’m happy to report that we had very good attendance for our October Stated Meeting, and all who attended were rewarded with a special meal of Low Country Boil. I must say that our JW Steven continues to spoil us with great meals.
As happens every year, we had an Official Visit from our District Deputy Grand Master of the 10th Masonic District, RWB Kyle Smathers. The District Deputies are mandated by the Grand Lodge to visit every subordinate Lodge in their district to check to see that the Lodge is following the proper procedures required, such as proper minutes, that the Secretary’s and Treasurer’s records match, that we have the proper Insurance coverage, etc:
Our meeting started in the normal fashion, and the Secretary read last month’s minutes, which were approved. He then read 2 new Petitions for Membership which is something that hasn’t happened for the last few months. We also voted on a Master Mason’s Degree for one of our Brothers who lives in Summerville, and the Lodge there is doing courtesy work for us. He was elected.
Old Business
We then moved onto Old Business, and SD Casey is in the process of obtaining tile samples that will be used to replace the star in the middle of the floor.
In the past month, Brothers from the Lodge built Access Ramps for 2 of our Past Masters. The ramps were built for WB Carlos Gibbons and RW Johnnie Morris, and they were very much appreciated.
New Business Under New Business, a motion was made and seconded that the Lodge pay for a meal for the employees of Boland’s Ace Hardware (approx. $99.00) who saved hundreds of dollars for the Brother who purchased the lumber as a donation. Bolands has stated they will continue to save us money on materials in the future. The motion was approved.
Work for the Month
There is no degree work for the month. BUT!!!!!
On Thursday October 19th, we are going to have a combined Awards/Ladies Night at the Lodge.
There are several Brothers who will receive their 25 Year Pin: James Olen Harmond and Donald James Spohn. Brothers to receive their 40 Year Pin: J.C. Ellisor, Bill Fouche, Ted Hayne IV, Barry McCall, Edward Skipper Jr., and William Royal Walker. The following Brothers will get their 50 Year Pin: Ray Boland, David Bouknight, James A. Coleman Jr., Ray B. Coleman, David H. Hatchell, John Richard Lindler, Larry Lucas Sr., Charles S. McDaniel, J. David Monts, Charles T. Pope, Raymond L. Saxon, Don Sharpe, Robert D. Spencer, James K. Stafford, J. Delane Suggs, Eric D. Teague, and Tim VanNiman.
2 Brothers are receiving their 60 Year Pin: John Rowley, and William B. Weathersby.
This is a special evening to honor the award recipients and all of our wives or significant others who support us. Please let us know if you plan to attend, and how many people are coming, by Monday October 16th, so we know how much food to prepare. (Please keep in mind our JW Steven prepares excellent meals). Please notify Steven Lourigan or Bill Bouknight.
Let’s make a habit of coming and supporting the Lodge. Remember this is YOUR Lodge and when you attend you make it better and stronger. WE NEED YOU!!!!!!!!! Don’t worry if you think you might forget a few things or not know anybody, we will help you with that. You will be glad you did.
Jud B. Close, PM
Worshipful Master, 2023