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Writer's pictureJud Close

May 2023 Trestle Board

Greetings Brothers,

I hope all is well with everyone and you’re enjoying our great weather. We just had our business meeting and enjoyed a fine meal. One thing I’ve noticed is that our attendance has gotten a little lighter so I just want to remind everyone that this Lodge is only here because of you and we’re so happy when you come. I think we all have been in Lodge when we have a large crowd and have experienced the excitement and great fellowship so let’s make an extra effort to attend. Sometimes we get out of the habit of coming to Lodge, why not start a good habit of coming to meetings.

We started our meeting in the normal fashion to include reading of the minutes. Next RW Bill read (1) Petition for Membership, (1) Petition for Affiliation, and (1) Petition for Reinstatement and investigating committees were assigned. We then voted on (1) for Reinstatement and (2) for their Entered Apprentice Degree and all were elected.

At our Stated Meeting last month we experienced a very short power outage which made us aware that our emergency lights weren’t working. PM Caleb volunteered to check out the problem and discovered the batteries had leaked and corroded the wiring. Caleb has taken care of the issue and new lights were installed. He also noticed that the exit lights needed changing so he did that. Another matter that Caleb took care of was spraying the property with fire ant poison. Thank you so much WB Caleb.

Old Business

The Grand Lodge has asked us to rewrite our By-Laws to conform to their format. RW Ray has done that and submitted them to the Grand Lodge for approval.

New Business

Last year, the Lodge took advantage of a program where Dominion Energy will replace the lighting in the building with low energy lighting which the Lodge paid a small percentage of the cost and the Lodge will see a savings on the bill. This year WB Caleb Pozsik is looking at the same program to see if they will do the same for our HVAC system.

Now that the OES Chapter has merged with Little Mountain and are meeting at their building, the Lodge voted to look into removing the Star in the carpet with black and white tile. SD Casey is getting quotes as to the cost.

This is a reminder of our Lodge Picnic this coming Saturday, May 13th, at Dreher Island State Park. We have reserved shelters 13 and 14. The Lodge is supplying hamburgers and hot dogs (of course with the fixings and buns) and we’re asking that you bring a side dish and dessert. The Lodge will supply tea but if you want any other non-alcoholic beverage please bring that along. Time is 11:00am till whenever. If for some reason you forgot or missed the meeting and want to go please let me know 803 479 3090 or RW Bill 803 556 5670 and we’ll adjust for you.

Please don’t forget that on Saturday May 20th we have our ADOPT-A-HIGHWAY litter pickup. We’ll have breakfast at 7:00am and start at 7:30am. If we have a good crowd it should only take an hour and a half. Thank You in advance.


Thursday May 11th Entered Apprentice Degree dine at 6:30pm meeting at 7:30pm

EA practice and proficiency Wed May 10th 7:00pm at the Lodge

I look forward to seeing you participate this month.


Jud B. Close, PM

Worshipful Master, 2023


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