Greetings Brothers,
We had another well attended Stated Meeting and got a lot of things accomplished. First off, I want to commend our JW Steven Lourigan for putting out great meals for all of our meetings. He has shown great planning and creativity. (We haven’t had chicken bog one time)
We started our meeting in the usual manner and received one Petition for ReInstatement. We had the balloting on degrees and all were elected. This means we have another full month putting on all three degrees. Brothers our Lodge is very active and we would love your support and attendance helping these candidates and Brothers continue their journey. I, also, want to thank the coaches who commit their time to get these men proficient in their degrees.
This is the time of year when we are one week from our first Chicken BBQ. For the JW in charge it is a time when you’re worried about getting all the supplies, ticket sales, and having the staff to pull all this off. Let’s commit to making this another successful fundraiser. We need help in all phases from early Friday morning to Saturday afternoon cleanup to include all night cooking.
Don’t worry if you are not sure what you can do, there will be people there to guide and help you. For the new guys it is a great time to get to know your Brothers.
RW Ron Lockaby is sponsoring another great day at the Fireflies baseball game. He’s been doing this for the past several years and it’s for the Brothers and families and friends. The game is May 6th at 7:05pm. The price of the tickets are $11.00 each and RW Ron always gets us good seats. Please contact him for tickets. Anyone wanting Ron’s number or any officers’ number, they are attached at the end of the Trestleboard.
I am planning to have a Lodge picnic in May. The purpose of the picnic is to get together the Brothers, wives or significant others, families and extended families. We have several places in mind and will let you know when and where by the next Stated Meeting. Our priority is to have a pavilion and an area for the kids to have fun. Boyleston will supply the hamburgers, hot dogs, and buns (plus sweet tea) and I’m asking the attendees to bring a side dish and dessert. Let’s have fun and enjoy each other’s company, maybe even entice a family member to join. Please give me a count of how many people you have coming by our Stated meeting on May 4th so we know how many hot dogs and hamburgers to bring. The more successful these functions are, the more we’ll do.
Thursday March 9th EA Degree Dine at 6:30pm Meeting at 7:30pm
EA practice Wed. March 8th 7:00pm at the Lodge
Thursday March 16th FC Degree Dine at 6:30pm Meeting at 7:30pm
FC practice Wed. March 15th 7:00pm at the Lodge
Thursday March 23rd MM Degree Dine at 6:30pm Meeting at 7:30pm
MM practice Wed. March 22nd 7:00pm at the Lodge.
Remember this is your Lodge, come and take advantage of it. Get back in the habit.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jud B. Close, PM
Worshipful Master, 2023