Greetings Brothers,
It’s hard to believe but we’re even more water- logged than we were last month but I’m sure we’ll eventually see the sun. We had another well-attended business meeting this month and got a lot accomplished.
We started out with a fine meal and fellowship and got right into the business at hand. The minutes were read and approved by the Secretary pro-tem WB George Brown and petitions were read. We had 1 Petition for Affiliation and 1 Petition for Reinstatement and committees were assigned.
Sick and distressed was discussed and a prayer was had for all mentioned and not mentioned.
We, also, balloted on 1 for Affiliation, 1 for Reinstatement, and 4 for Master Mason Degree and all were elected.
Old Business
Last month, we were approached about the possibility of having a DeMolay Chapter at our Lodge and this month RW Clifford Simmons and Bro. Matt Turner visited to give more details and answer questions.
JW Cole Smith gave an update on the upcoming Chicken BBQ and the rising price of chicken was discussed. He announced he now has tickets for sale so please contact any of the officers to get yours. Even with the price of chicken, the plates will remain $9.00. Just a reminder, the BBQ is April 4th, and of course we need help the 3rd and the 4th.
New Business
SW Caleb Pozsik has been working on updating our security system at the Lodge and in process is the upgrade of the security cameras of the parking lot and entrance ways of the Lodge. In today’s times we are fully aware that we should make an extra effort to protect ourselves, property, and our vehicles.
WB Carl Sellers is the head of our Security Committee, and has made and executed a plan
to protect us during the meeting.
In an effort to make a difference in our community and promote ways Masons can make a difference, RW Ron Lockaby has implemented a plan whereby our Lodge is giving 4 scholarships to the 4 high schools in our local school district. These scholarships will be for working trades and will be administered by Midlands Tech. The scholarship amounts will be $500.00 each. A motion was made and seconded with unanimous approval.
The secretary and treasurer gave their reports and all bills have been paid and all monies accounted for.
On Saturday May 16th, we are having a Lodge picnic for all Brothers and their extended families. Bro. Ronnie Faircloth has made arrangements for a site on the lake off Old
Lexington Hwy. in Chapin with a pavilion and a large area. He will bring his grill and cook hot dogs and hamburgers for all. (Supplied by the Lodge) Every family attending should bring a covered dish and maybe a dessert. Water and tea will be supplied. Corn hole boards will be there and maybe games for the kids.
RW Ron Lockaby has reserved a block of tickets for the annual Firefly baseball game to be held on Sat. May 23rd. Always a good time and hopefully no rain like last year.
Work for the Month
We received a Petition for Membership, a committee assigned and approved for a person wanting to join our fraternity. There is an issue where he must work on Thursday nights.
So to honor his request, I talked to the WM from Pacific Lodge and they agreed to do the courtesy work. So take notice of the date and location of our EA degree this month. Let’s rally together and caravan to Pacific Lodge and support their effort.
Tuesday March 10th - EA Degree at Pacific Lodge - Dine at 6:30pm, Meeting at 7:30pm.
We will meet at Boyleston Lodge parking lot and caravan to Pacific, leaving our parking lot at 5:50pm
Thursday March 26th - MM Degree - Dine at 6:30pm, Meeting at 7:30pm
This will be our Past Master’s night and our Past Masters will be doing the Degree.
Chicken BBQ - April 3rd and 4th.
Jud Close
Worshipful Master, 2020 & 2021
2020 & 2021 Boyleston Lodge Officers
Worshipful Master
Jud B. Close
Senior Warden
Caleb Pozsik
Junior Warden
Cole Smith
RW Ron Lockaby
RW Bill Bouknight
Senior Deacon
Richard "Rick" Dillard
Junior Deacon
Danny Hughes
Christopher Johnson
Senior Steward
Chris Faircloth
Junior Steward
Michael Roberts
Frank Eargle