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June 2023 Trestle Board

Writer's picture: Jud CloseJud Close

Greetings Brothers,

Here we are in June and our Stated Meeting has passed. We started out with another fine meal and a good crowd. We then proceeded to the meeting and started in the usual manner with RW Bill reading the minutes. Unfortunately we had no new petitions. We then voted on (1) Petition for Reinstatement, (1) for Affiliation, and (2) for Fellowcraft and all were elected.

Old Business

SD Casey reported on him getting quotes to replace the Star on the floor in the lodge with black and white checkerboard tile. The quote seemed rather high, so Casey is getting other quotes.

May was a busy Month and I would like to thank everyone who attended and helped out in making our Lodge picnic and Adopt-a-Highway a success. Unfortunately I couldn’t make the Fireflies game but I heard everyone had a great time. It was hard to count heads but we had over 40 in attendance at the picnic and we had a great time. I know the people who brought side dishes and desserts know what they are doing. It will be up to the future WM’s but I think it would be a great annual event. Also the attendance for the litter pickup was a little lighter than usual but they did a very good job. Thanks to all.

RW Ray has completed the mandated rewriting of the Lodge By-Laws and after they are signed they will be submitted to the Grand Lodge for approval. Once we get them back we can distribute them to the members.

Our By-Laws state that we read the names of the members who haven’t paid their current dues and we complied. The Lodge voted that we attach the list to our newsletter in hopes that will help notify the Brothers and get the dues paid.

New Business

Next month either July 22nd or July 29th we need to have a work party to cut, split, and stack wood in the pits.

Our next BBQ will be August 12th and SD Steven already has tickets in hand.


Thursday June 15th Fellowcraft Degree dine at 6:30pm meeting at 7:30pm

Wednesday June 14th FC Practice at the Lodge at 7:00pm

Sometimes it goes unsaid, but Thank You to the Brothers who cut and trim the grass around the Lodge, and also apply weed killer and fire ant killer.


Jud B. Close, PM

Worshipful Master, 2023


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