Greetings Brothers,
We had another nice crowd for our Stated Meeting and it was a busy one. Brother Tom and the kitchen crew had a very nice meal and no one went away hungry. Thank you Brothers.
We started our meeting in the normal fashion and proceeded with the business of the Lodge. We asked for sickness and distressed and a prayer was said for all. The minutes were read and approved then a Petition for Membership, a Petition for Affiliation, a Petition for Reinstatement were read and investigation committees were appointed.
Thank you to the Brothers who volunteered to be on the committees. We then balloted on (4) for Entered Apprentice Degree, (2) for Fellowcraft Degree, and (3) for Master Mason Degrees and all were elected. As you can see we are going to have a busy month. What exciting times Boyleston Lodge and all of Masonry is experiencing since the end of our restrictions.
Old Business
There were a couple things to cover in old business, first was our security system. SW Caleb has through a lot of hard, dirty, sweaty work installed our security cameras and monitor system and it functions very well. He only has a couple cameras to install and the system will be complete. Thank you Caleb.
Second is our Chicken BBQ!!!! The time is fast approaching for our bbq fundraiser. If you don’t know by now, it will be on Saturday September 11th, from 11:00am to 3:00pm. As most of you know the process starts on Friday the 10th with the cleaning of the cook shed and other vital areas starting at 7:00am. After that we have chicken to clean, cole slaw to make and other chores to do. This is not a one or two man job, we need help. Don’t worry if you won’t know what to do, someone will show you and work alongside you.
With a good team, the work on Friday should be done in the afternoon. Then Friday evening, the overnight cooking crew should arrive around 9:00pm to prepare to start cooking the chickens and sauce. Again we need help!!!! There are several key members of our cooking crew that cannot be there because of health reasons so we need replacements for them. I’m hoping some of our new Brothers can stand tall and jump in.
On Saturday morning, breakfast will be served at approximately 7:00am and the sale day begins. This is when everything comes together and we start preparing the meals for takeout. This will require many people to make up the meals, take them to the people picking them up in the parking lot. This is a busy day and requires lots of help. When the sale is over, the cleanup begins. The more help we have the quicker the job is done. During the whole process, some Brothers bring their wives and family members to help and it is greatly appreciated.
Back to the meeting, there was no new business to the Secretary’s and Treasurer’s were read, and all were in good order.
Work for the Month
Saturday Aug. 14th - Entered Apprentice Degree - Breakfast at 7:30am, Meeting at 8:00am
E.A. Practice - Wednesday Aug. 11th at 6:30pm at the Lodge
Thursday Aug. 19th - Fellow Craft Degree - Dine at 6:30pm, Meeting at 7:30pm
F.C. Practice - Wednesday Aug. 18th at 6:30pm at the Lodge
Thursday Aug. 26th - Master Mason Degree - Dine at 6:30pm, Meeting at 7:30pm
M.M. Practice Wednesday Aug. 25th at the Lodge
Saturday Aug. 21st. - Adopt-a-Highway Litter Pickup - Breakfast at 7:00am, pickup to follow
Scottish Rite Chicken or Pork BBQ Dinner - Friday Aug. 13th 5:00 to 7:00pm and
Saturday Aug. 14th 11:00 to 2:00pm - $9.00 a plate, proceeds go to Rite Care Center.
As you can see we have hit the ground running, and here is your chance to get back involved in your Lodge. We have a busy month coming in September and the rest of the year, so come be a part of it. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been away we will welcome you with open arms.
Jud Close
Worshipful Master 2020 & 2021
2020 & 2021 Boyleston Lodge Officers
Worshipful Master
Jud B. Close
Senior Warden
Caleb Pozsik
Junior Warden
Cole Smith
RW Ron Lockaby
RW Bill Bouknight
Senior Deacon
Richard "Rick" Dillard
Junior Deacon
Danny Hughes
Christopher Johnson
Senior Steward
Chris Faircloth
Junior Steward
Michael Roberts
Frank Eargle