Greetings Brothers,
We had good attendance for our Stated Meeting and I never get tired of saying that. We also had another fine meal, as all our meals are, and I want to thank the kitchen crew.
Our meeting started out in usual fashion with reading and approval of minutes, correspondence, and health and happiness.
Balloting came next and we voted on (1) Entered Apprentice Degree, (2) for Fellow Craft Degree, (2) for Master Mason Degree, (1) for Affiliation, and (1) for Reinstatement. All were elected. It is so gratifying to see how busy we are.
Old Business
I want to start out with the Adopt-a-Highway litter pickup. We do this (4) times a year on dates that are set by the state. Our stretch of road is Dutch Fork Rd. from Bickley Rd. to Johnson Marina Rd. which is almost exactly 2 miles. If we have enough people it is a pretty simple task with no one going more than ¼ mile one way. If we don’t have enough people, it can be taxing on the people who show up. It is always on a Saturday morning and takes only 1 to 2 hrs. The reason I bring this up is our last outing there was a small group. Please let’s help out or we might have to end this important community service.
Now to the Chicken BBQ. It has come and I’m going to bore you with the itinerary (refer to last month) but suffice it to say that we need people from Friday am thru mid-afternoon, Friday evening at 10pm and thru the night, Saturday am until Saturday afternoon. There will be a job for everyone (not heavy work). Please do your part.
New Business
We are sending a Thank You card to the Ace Hardware in Chapin for donating 100lbs of charcoal for our BBQ. Thank you so much for your generosity.
On Tuesday Sept. 14th, we have been asked to cook and serve a meal for the Eastern Star’s Annual Inspection. The meal will be served at 6pm so we need to get there no later than 5:30pm. Servers are requested to wear white shirt and black pants. Please help.
Work for the Month
Saturday Sept. 4th - Entered Apprentice Degree - Breakfast at 8:00am, Meeting 8:30am
(This has already been completed in a fine fashion)
Thursday Sept. 16th - Fellow Craft Degree - Dine at 6:30pm, Meeting at 7:30pm
Practice Wed. Sept. 15th at 6:30pm at the lodge.
Thursday Sept. 23rd - Master Mason Degree - Dine at 6:30pm, Meeting at 7:30pm
Practice Wed Sept. 22nd at 6:30pm at the lodge.
Friday Sept. 10th 10th District Inspirational Meeting at the Scottish Rite Building on Garners Ferry Rd. All are welcome (friends and family) no charge for the meal
Brothers, as you can read, we have been busy since we’ve started having our regular meetings. These are exciting times for Masonry and our Lodge in particular. I want to take this time to reach out to all our Brothers who haven’t attended our meetings - in some
cases for several years. This is your Lodge. Please come and join us, we want you and will welcome you with open arms. Don’t worry if there are some things you might have forgotten. We don't care and we will gladly refresh your memory. Your Lodge is a great Lodge with a great group of Brothers, so come take advantage of it.
Jud Close
Worshipful Master 2021
2020 & 2021 Boyleston Lodge Officers
Worshipful Master
Jud B. Close
Senior Warden
Caleb Pozsik
Junior Warden
Cole Smith
RW Ron Lockaby
RW Bill Bouknight
Senior Deacon
Richard "Rick" Dillard
Junior Deacon
Danny Hughes
Christopher Johnson
Senior Steward
Chris Faircloth
Junior Steward
Michael Roberts
Frank Eargle