Greetings Brothers,
I hope everyone is doing their best to stay cool but it is summer in the Midlands and is to be expected.
We had another good crowd for our Stated Meeting and all were treated to a fine meal prepared by Bro. Tom Reed and the kitchen crew.
The meeting started in the usual manner and the minutes were read and approved. (4) new Petitions for Membership were read and committees assigned. We also balloted on (2) for Entered Apprentice Degree and (2) for Fellow Craft Degree, and all were elected.
For old business, the new security system will be installed by the Stated Meeting in August.
Under new business, our Chicken BBQ will be held on Saturday September 11th, so we’ve got a lot to do to get ready. After much discussion with the cost of meat and goods going up we are forced to raise the price of the meals to $10.00. Another issue is the seasoned wood in the BBQ pits. We have another supply of green wood, so we have to get together and cut the wood and transport it to the Lodge as a supplement to the wood already in the pits. This needs to be done on Saturday July 10th after our bi-weekly work party.
We’ve been getting a nice work crew for our grass cutting and grounds work so it was decided to go to work getting the needed wood to the Lodge. This again is another job that needs a group of Brothers with chain saws, log splitters and trucks to cut the wood and bring it back to the Lodge. This is a very hard job for just a few but it gets easier with more manpower. We need men to be there, even if they don’t have any equipment, to help with handling the wood.
On Friday, I sent an email out informing everyone of the death of Boyleston Past Master William Sheely and asked for available Brothers to attend his Masonic Service on Saturday. I’m proud to say we had 15 Brothers participate and the family was so appreciative. I want to thank all of you who came.
Thursday July 8th - Entered Apprentice Degree - Dine at 6:30pm, Meeting 7:30pm
Thursday July 15th - Fellow Craft Degree - Dine at 6:30pm, Meeting 7:30pm
Practice for FC on Wednesday July 14th at 6:30pm at the Lodge
Please don’t forget the Work Party on Saturday July 10th at 7:30am at the Lodge.
Jud Close
Worshipful Master 2021
2020 & 2021 Boyleston Lodge Officers
Worshipful Master
Jud B. Close
Senior Warden
Caleb Pozsik
Junior Warden
Cole Smith
RW Ron Lockaby
RW Bill Bouknight
Senior Deacon
Richard "Rick" Dillard
Junior Deacon
Danny Hughes
Christopher Johnson
Senior Steward
Chris Faircloth
Junior Steward
Michael Roberts
Frank Eargle