Greetings Brothers,
Well, here we are at the start of 2023 and I’m optimistic we’re going to have a good year. We started out with a very nice crowd and JW Steve had an excellent meal prepared for us that was very well received. It was a pleasure seeing some Brothers that we haven’t seen for a while and I encourage more Brothers to come visit and make it a habit.
As I looked around the Lodge, it was a pleasure to see 100% officer attendance wearing coat and ties. It showed they clean up well. The meeting started in the usual manner with health and happiness and the appropriate prayers were said.
The past month’s minutes were read and approved and correspondence was read. Brother Secretary read (3) new petitions for membership and (1) for reinstatement and committees were assigned. We then balloted on (2) for FC degree and (1) for reinstatement and all were elected.
Old Business
Our newly elected Senior Warden was out of town for installation so WB Bob Stump installed him with the assistance of RW Ron Lockaby.
Since we’re looking back to old business I think I should mention that in the past year we lost 26 Brothers. Please keep their families in your prayers.
New Business
Usually at our first meeting of the year we turn our thoughts to our annual chicken bbqs. Brother JW Steve announced the dates as March 11th for our first one with the wood cutting on Feb. 25th to load the pits.
We have the dates for our Adopt-A-Highway pickups which are February 11, May 20th, August 19, and November 18.
RW Ron Lockaby has named the date of this year’s Fireflies Game as Saturday, May 6th. This will be for Boyleston Brothers, their families, and friends.
Thursday Jan. 11th EA Degree Dine at 6:30pm Meeting at 7:30pm
EA Practice Wed Jan. 10th 7:00pm at the Lodge.
Thursday Jan. 18th FC Degree Dine at 6:30pm Meeting at 7:30pm
FC Practice Wed Jan. 17th 7:00pm at the Lodge
Thursday Jan. 25th MM Degree Dine at 6:30pm Meeting at 7:30pm
MM Practice Wed. Jan 24th at the Lodge
Saturday Jan 21st. 10th District Instructional held at Boyleston Lodge Breakfast at 7:30am
(this is mandatory for all elected and appointed officers)
Respectfully Submitted,
Jud B. Close, PM
Worshipful Master, 2023
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