Greetings Brothers,
Well we’ve come to the end of this challenging year and I think we’ve come through it
surprisingly well. We’re bringing in new Brothers and I must say a good group of new Brothers some of whom are staying active in our Lodge. In resuming our activities, such as the Chicken BBQ and Adopt-a-Highway, we have had good participation. The side benefit to that is our new Brothers are working shoulder to shoulder with our more “seasoned” Brothers and building relationships.
This past week we had 2 activities that were well attended. First was our Stated Meeting and second was our Open Lodge Initiation of Officers.
The Stated Meeting opened in the normal manner with correspondence and reading of last month’s minutes. Two new Petitions for Membership were read and committees assigned. We balloted on 1 for EA degree, 2 for Fellow Craft Degree, and 1 for Reinstatement, and all were elected. We also heard the Secretary’s and Treasurer’s report and all was in good standing. After a lot of paperwork by the Secretary and Attorney, the closing of the sale of the Richland #39 will be finalized the end of the month and monies exchanged.
As you may have noticed a car wiped out the sign in front of the Lodge, and the proper paperwork has been submitted to the insurance company, and we are waiting for payment.
When you visit Lodge next time take notice of the addition of the Rough and Perfect Ashlars placed on the steps of the Worshipful Master’s podium. The Ashlars were donated by a Brother who wishes to remain anonymous. Thank you Brother.
The second activity we had last week was Open Lodge Installation of Officers. SW Caleb suggested and put this together for the purpose of including wives and family in the Installation. We had the honor of having Past Grand Master MW Barry Rickman as
the installing officer. All in all we had a fine meal and evening. SW Caleb has asked me to ask all current committee members to contact him by email ( if you want to change or not be on a committee.
As there is no work for December, I would like to use the space as a final statement as Worshipful Master.
It has been a challenging 2 years, and we weathered the storm. This could not have been done without the help of a lot of Brothers. First I would like to thank Tom Reed, Albert Wayne Stoudemire, and O'Neal Bickley for providing the meals for us. Also Bob Stump and Joe Russo for doing the nasties of cleaning up afterwards. I would like to thank all the Brothers who stepped up and investigated the people who submitted Petitions. Thank you to all the Brothers who took the time and effort to coach our newly made Brothers, a job that takes a lot of time and dedication. You are the lifeblood of this Lodge. I would like to thank all the Brothers who sat in the chairs and the Brothers who filled in - usually at the last moment. I would like to thank all the Brothers who gave degree lectures. I would like to specifically thank WB Bob Stump who took time to coach and help me with my memory work (a monumental task). And last but not least, I would like to thank RW Bill Bouknight and RW Ron Lockaby for being in my left and right ear during meetings, also for giving me advice and being there for me in all ways (also RW Ray Boland). It was my privilege to be WM of this Lodge that I love so much and the Brothers in it. Thanks for putting up with me. I’m not going away just sitting on the side.
Good Luck to all the incoming officers, have a great year
One last thing, I’m writing this later than usual as we have no work and I wasn’t under pressure to get it out before this coming Thursday. Because of this, I can report to you that a group of Boyleston Brothers traveled to Lower Richland Lodge last night and we captured the State Traveling Gavel. We will have it on display in the Lodge at our next business meeting.
Jud Close
Worshipful Master, 2020 & 2021
2020 & 2021 Boyleston Lodge Officers
Worshipful Master
Jud B. Close
Senior Warden
Caleb Pozsik
Junior Warden
Cole Smith
RW Ron Lockaby
RW Bill Bouknight
Senior Deacon
Richard "Rick" Dillard
Junior Deacon
Danny Hughes
Christopher Johnson
Senior Steward
Chris Faircloth
Junior Steward
Michael Roberts
Frank Eargle