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October 2022 Trestle Board

Writer's picture: Caleb PozsikCaleb Pozsik

Hey Brothers!

On Thursday, October 6, 2022 we held our regular business meeting at our normal time with a great dinner and irregularly small group of Brothers.

As we do during all of our meetings, we discussed health and happiness, sickness and distressed, correspondence received, and read the name(s) of men interested in masonry and joining our Fraternity. We also voted on Brothers who are ready for their next degree/ reinstatement and read the Meeting Minutes from September 2022. Old business was discussed, new business was introduced, Secretary’s report was given, the Treasure’s report was read, and Work for the Month was set.

New and Old Business:

We recently received a preliminary floor plan layout of the proposed Kitchen Renovation/ Addition Project. See below and attached.

**Note** This is a preliminary sketch ONLY. This sketch should be used as an illustration aid to help visualize the conceptual layout of how the Kitchen could be reconfigured. Over the next several Business Meeting(s), Brothers will have an opportunity to provide comment and/or suggested edits to the proposed floor plan layout as we determine if this Project is something Boyleston Lodge would like to undertake. Rough cost(s) will be determined once Boyleston decides, agrees to, and/or finalizes a floor plan.

The Building Committee, under the direction of Past Master, Jud Close recently received a sound system donated by the Family of our late Brother, Karl Schmidt. Brother Close installed the sound system prior to the October Business Meeting and it was put into service during the Meeting to see how and/or if this system would be sufficient. As this system is used, the Building Committee and Brother Close will make adjustments as necessary and supplement its components when needed.

Steward, Brother Chris Slaughter, gave an update regarding the opportunity for Brothers of Boyleston Lodge to benefit from purchasing an active polo style embroidered shirt with square and compass logo and the Boyleston Lodge name. Brother Chris has established a final design with Kathy’s Kreations in Irmo and Brothers are now able to simply visit Kathy’s Kreations at their leisure to purchase an embroidered polo shirt with their choice of color, size, and a myriad of additional options. As a reminder, options can/could include embroidery of items such as hats, jackets, bags, etc. If you are interested and/or would like additional information, please contact Chris Slaughter at

Kathy’s Kreations is located in the Irmo Village Shopping Center next to Craft-n-Draft and Outspokin’ Bicycles at 7591 St Andrews Rd, Irmo, SC 29063. The telephone number is (803) 732-2157. Simply indicate that you are a member of Boyleston Lodge and wish to purchase an item and have the logo applied.

To anyone who recently visited or called Kathy’s Kreations and were not able to complete an order, we apologize for the inconvenience. Going forward, should you have any issues, please contact Chris Slaughter.

Brother Bill Bouknight, Ron Lockaby, and Caleb Pozsik recently meet with member(s) of Dominion Energy and learned that our organization qualifies for and can take full advantage of a lighting program offered to non-profit organizations such as ours. Boyleston Lodge will soon have all light(ing) fixtures throughout the dining room, meeting room, cook shed, and exterior replaced with LED lighting fixtures and bulbs.

Boyleston will continue to communicate with Dominion Energy as there are additional incentive-based programs we learned we also qualify for. These additional programs included HVAC/ Mechanical Unit replacement, as well as Refrigeration replacement. As more information is gathered, that information will be presented at future business meetings to discuss the potential options the Lodge would like to undertake to take full advantage of these additional program(s).


EA PRACTICE: Wednesday; October 12, 2022: 7:00 PM


EA DEGREE WORK: Thursday; October 13, 2022: Dinner 6:30 PM, Start 7:30 PM


BOYESTON AWARDS NIGHT: Thursday; October 20, 2022: Dinner 6:30 PM, Start 7:30 PM


EA Proficiency/ FC PRACTICE: Wednesday; October 26, 2022: 7:00 PM


FC DEGREE WORK: Thursday; October 27, 2022: Dinner 6:30 PM, Start 7:30 PM


Anyone interested in performing any function during Degree work (ie: conductor, lecture, etc.) please contact Caleb Pozsik directly.

Anyone interested in holding an Officer Position next year please contact Caleb Pozsik, Robert Woods, Bill Bouknight and/or Ron Lockaby directly!


10th District Master’s Degree Work: Saturday; October 22, 2022: 9:00 AM

Grand Lodge AFM of SC, 1445 Pisgah Church Road, Lexington, SC 29072.

Respectfully Submitted,

Caleb Pozsik

Worshipful Master, 2022


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